broward county substitute teacher login
These links for the “broward county substitute teacher login” are the top verified, You have to provide the username and password to access the website.
This page describes the process for becoming a Broward County Substitute teacher. The first step apply for a Substitute Orientation, complete an on-line application and upload required documents.
To get started, you must complete the substitute teacher interest form or call 754-732-3644. Representatives are available 8:00 am – 5:00 pm EST. Twenty-four (24) hours after you complete the form (or call), a Kelly Education representative will contact you to walk you through the next steps.
NEW USERS: use “FORGOT PASSWORD” to set up your initial password after registering. SmartFind Express is now in your App Store. Broward County District Code: PTJB.
The Employee Self-Service (ESS) portal can now be accessed ONLY from within the U.S. Employee Self Service (ESS), will be down for maintenance the third weekend of every month. LOGIN ESS/ERP. The ERP Department works to continually improve the business process of Broward County Public Schools.
Kelly Education is accepting applications for new substitute teachers at Broward County Public Schools. Get started doing work you can feel good about, on your schedule. No prior experience required.
Broward College in partnership with Broward County Public Schools offers the Substitute Teacher Training Program. Our program addresses the need for quality substitutes in the absence of the teacher in Broward County.
Sign in with your Browardschools Personnel Number or Student Number. REPORT CHILD ABUSE. CALL 1-800-96ABUSE OR 1-800-962-2873. Students. If you are a student, your login name is your student number (06########). If you have forgotten your password, please contact your teacher.
District admin log in | Parent/guardian log in. Sign in help | Recover your account.
You must access the new database from your desktop. If you have not received the opener, e-mail Ty Cunningham and it will be forwarded to you. (The password is “school”) Submit if Substitute Teacher was not paid from a previous pay period.
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